
Logan Aluminum’s vision is to maintain an organization and working environment which demonstrates the capability over time to substantially outperform the competition in the areas of 安全, 质量, 生产力, 成本与文化.  Logan Aluminum strives for this vision by pursuing a fundamental change in the way we think about people and work. The benefits of team culture include greater 生产力, 增加质量, 操作的灵活性, 更低的成本, opportunity to treat all employees as Business Partners, 适当级别的决策, 所有这些都允许充分利用团队成员.


了解我们的流程 & 人


Logan Aluminum will demonstrate continual improvement in our capabilities to create value for our associates, 客户, and team members by maintaining leadership positions in product 质量, 客户服务, 成本, 安全和环保表现. We will accomplish this through progressive management concepts and innovative use of technology, 我们的物质资产和人力资源.


To be recognized as the best in the world at what we do!


The success of Logan Aluminum is derived from its Work System. The foundation of this Work System is our principles and value-driven teams and their ability to manage the business. Each day team members make decisions that directly impact 安全, 质量, 客户满意度, 生产力, 可靠性, 和成本.




Logan Aluminum’s organization is a flat structure with few levels. We are team-based and semi-autonomous, with business decisions made at all levels of the business. Skills are developed and maintained at all levels within the team, 创造达到目的的手段, 不是目的本身.


Each year, Logan Aluminum prepares a 5-year strategic plan to present to our owners. The plan is called the STEP Plan – Strategic Transition Excellence Plan. 该计划侧重于5个主要领域:





产品质量 & 一致性

The purpose of the STEP Plan is to prepare an analysis of the future potential of Logan Aluminum with an initial focus on achieving operating excellence in the rolled aluminum sheet market. The plan benchmarks Logan Aluminum against “world class” and establishes a viable future state.


Since its founding, Logan Aluminum has been dedicated to Logan County and South Central Kentucky. Logan Aluminum believes it is our duty to support our community, 保护我们工作和生活的环境, and provide leadership in state and local organizations.

Our owners and employees volunteer and financially support national, regional and local organizations such as United Way of Southern Kentucky, 青年成就, 美国癌症协会, 西肯塔基大学, 南肯塔基社区和技术学院, local volunteer fire departments and youth sports teams.

保护环境, Logan Aluminum provides training and supports local recycling efforts in our school systems. Logan Aluminum team members at all levels serve on local and state boards, 在本市担任政务职务, 县政府和当地学校董事会. Logan Aluminum as a corporation supports national and state-wide initiatives on 安全, 教育, 员工发展, 创业与健康.